1st Saturday Steel Match


On the first Saturday of each month, Yuma MatchMasters hosts a steel target match. Although not affiliated with the USPSA Steel Challenge, the match closely follows the divisions and rules of the Steel Challenge.

The match consists of 5 stages with 5 steel targets on each stage. Each shooter shoots each stage five times consecutively. The slowest run out of the five is dropped and not counted for score. Minimum 125 rounds.

For each run, one hit per target is required, with an unlimited number of rounds. The last target to be shot is known as the “stop plate,” which stops the timer.

Steel matches are an excellent way to begin competitive shooting. There is usually little or no movement required.


  • 9mm to 45 caliber center fire pistol
  • Holster and magazines to complete a stage
  • Pistol caliber carbine
  • Rim fire (22 caliber) pistol or rifle (no holster required)

1st Saturday Steel Match News

Yuma MatchMaster’s 1st Saturday Steel Match

The First Saturday Steel Match is set for Saturday, February 1, 2025.

5 Stages, Minimum round count: 125

Set up at 7:30 AM
Check in at 8:00 AM
Shooter's meeting at 8:30 AM

Cost: $10.00 - Juniors shoot free

You may now register, pay and squad on line, however, you are not required to pay on line. You can bypass the payment and go directly to squadding.

Match Pre-Registration: Please click button below to pre-register on Practiscore.

Match Results
We no longer email match results. You may check your scores on the Practiscore website at https://practiscore.com/results. Type YMM in the search box to see all YMM results.


1st Saturday Steel Match Schedule

Matches are held the 1st Saturday of each month. The match times vary depending on the time of the year and will be posted along with the monthly match information.


For More Information...

Contact Rick Labistre via email: mail.reticle@yahoo.com



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